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LYNX Developers Documentation

What is LYNX?

LYNX is an AI powered prediction system that analyzes user interactions and online behavior as well as product attributes to generate high value recommendations for your customers.

By instantly understanding your customers' profiles, LYNX delivers relevant recommendations showing products that are more likely to capture their interest, exploiting:

  • past onsite browsing behavior
  • similarities across products and users
  • cross-user behavioral patterns to discover similarities between users, products or both

All in real-time, on-demand, using the latest data.

Getting Started

Getting started with LYNX's recommendations requires two things—a JavaScript tracking code to be added to your site and access to a regularly updated product feed (in most cases we use your Google Shopping Feed). This gives us two things—the ability to track what each individual does on your site (user interactions) and all the information we need about each and every product you have.

This information is ingested by LYNX and then you can start getting recommendations.

User interactions flowing to LYNX and catalog items flowing back as recommendations